Comment participer à nos ventes aux enchères
How do I stay informed about upcoming auctions?
We have dozens of auctions each year.
Our sales are advertised on our "JUSTICE 76.NET" website and on our "JUSTICE76" Facebook page .
You can subscribe to our email alert on our site using the "SALES CALENDAR" tab.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
We publish our announcements systematically in local newspapers and, depending on the nature of the goods sold, in the specialized press such as "La Gazette de Drouot" for art sales or "Le Moniteur des vente" for capital goods. .
How to prepare well for the sale?
To bid, it is recommended to be familiar with the equipment, furniture or objects presented for sale, or to inquire beforehand.
Since a photograph never replaces an object, a visit to the exhibition is often essential. Prior to the sale, usually taking place an hour before the sale or in the morning, it is a moment that should not be neglected. This is where you will make your own judgment and can ask the selling officer (or expert present) about the object that catches your attention.
You can also ask the study to provide you with a precise description of the object.
How to bid?
During a public sale, you have different possibilities to bid:
• you are present in the room and carry the auction yourself;
• you appoint a third party;
• you bid by telephone or the Internet;
• you leave a purchase order with the selling officer, who bids on your behalf up to the price you set.
In France, the auction system is very free. You can wave or verbally announce your auction. We distribute signs that carry your registration number to carry the auction.
Please note, the person who directs the sale, commonly known as the "sales officer", freely advances the auctions according to a bidding step that he sets at (5, 10, 50, 100, 1000 or 10,000 euros depending on the value of the property placed on sale and the atmosphere of the room.
Some tips for bidding
Set yourself precise limits that you will have for example determined during the exhibition according to the given estimates.
Avoid any untimely gesture that could be interpreted as a bid. Rest assured, the auctioneer knows how to lead the game and, quite often, himself sets out the successive amounts. He will be able to revive you and recognize in a simple gesture on your part, like a discreet nod of the head, your agreement.
When the selling officer hits the hammer and says “Sold! », The good goes to the last bidder.
The progress of a sale has a particular rhythm. If this is your first auction, don't buy the first lots shown, watch and understand how it goes.
This is the starting point for auctions, most often lower than the low estimate.
Purchase order
If you do not want or cannot attend the sale, it is possible to leave a purchase order with a study collaborator or the selling officer or on the Internet on the study site.
It is a mandate to buy at the best conditions according to your order.
Like telephone auctions, purchase orders are free.
Telephone auctions
It is an increasingly common practice. They allow bidders around the world to participate in a sale. To be allowed to bid over the phone, you must first make yourself known to the study. You will be asked for the nature and number of the lot (s) you are interested in as well as a telephone number at which you can be reached during the sale. Most often, you will be required to provide your bank details.
Internet auctions
This auction method is developing more and more and represents a convenient way to bid. A distinction is made between sales that are entirely dematerialized, known as online, from those that take place indoors and simultaneously on the Internet thanks to a live broadcast.
In so-called “dematerialized” sales, the Internet user registers in advance and is assigned a password to access the purchasing portal. The goods are generally auctioned according to a predetermined period of time (3 days, 10 days, etc.). The expiration of the allotted time is generally increased by a re-launch time if, at the last second, an electronic auction was placed. This modus operandi does not concern the sale of our study. You should check with the selling officer.
Terms of sale
It is very important before participating in any auction to consult the conditions of sale. The conditions of sale, which can be analyzed in a membership contract, are not negotiable. They are available on our site.
The lot is awarded to you.
When the auctioneer hits the hammer and says “Sold! », The property is yours if you are the last bidder.
You will generally be asked, by a crier or a clerk of the study, for your name and a signed blank check against the delivery of the ticket bearing your contractor number.
How to pay for your purchase?
In auctions, the sale is perfect from the auction. You therefore have no withdrawal period, even if you have bid by telephone or on the internet. You must therefore pay for your purchase as soon as the sale is completed. Payment for auctions is therefore made “in cash”. You can also do it at the rostrum with the “clerk in the minutes” during the vacation if you do not wish to stay.
The selling officer may grant payment terms but this remains optional or negotiable.
The law grants the possibility of paying in cash up to 1,000 euros for residents and professionals, 15,000 euros for non-residents. Beyond that, payment is made by check or bank transfer, sometimes by credit card (ask you to specify the method of payment before).
Are there any fees added to the amount of the auction?
Please note, the "hammer" price, announced by the selling agent, is exclusive of costs and must be increased by adjudication costs or fees.
In amicable sales , freely set by the selling officer, these costs vary in the context of voluntary sales from 10 to 20% depending on the type of good put up for sale. They can be decreasing according to the importance of the auction.
In court sales , the costs are 14.40% TT C.
The general conditions of sale specify the amount of buyer fees. You just need to read it before the sale to avoid any bad surprises when paying.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
For certain sales, our firm may offer its clients a remote auction service - without the presence of the bidder - which may take the form of a purchase order or participation in the auction by telephone or by telephone. Internet.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Our study reminds its customers that the remote auction service is only a facility offered, but that, within the framework of this service, it is only bound by an obligation of means and not of result , taking into account in particular technical contingencies.
As such, you are now informed of the risk of malfunction related to connection problems
If you wish to bid remotely, you must register 24 Hours before the auction, at the latest, on our website using the "REMOTE AUCTION" tab in order to allow us to carry out identity checks and bank solvency. Supporting documents may be requested from you by our secretariat.
Indeed, before registering a purchase order or participation in auctions by telephone or internet, our study will ask the customer to justify his identity by asking to produce an identity document and his bank references by asking produce a bank identity statement (RIB). If this customer is a company, the operator requests a document certifying the identity of the company (extract kbis) as well as a power certifying that the interlocutor is mandated to represent this company, either as a legal representative - manager … - or that it has a special power of representation issued by the directors.
If the identity and creditworthiness verification cannot be made, the selling officer may refuse the order or the request for a telephone or connection.
The selling officer executes purchase orders of equal amount in chronological order of their arrival.
The selling officer informs the principal of any modification of the data relating to the lot which is the subject of the purchase order.
If he does not succeed in reaching the client to inform him of the modifications relating to the lot on which the purchase order relates, the operator refrains from executing this order. However, he may first request the customer's agreement to maintain order in the event of a modification.
Telephone requests are processed in order of arrival. If the number of requests were to exceed our call handling capacity, we may have to refuse them.
The operator may ask you for a second telephone number to anticipate the case where you do not answer on the main number.
In the event of a reunion, division or any other modification made to the lot offered for sale or to its description, the operator notifies the bidder by telephone prior to the sale.
The selling officer who wishes to give priority to the room, at an equal bid, informs the bidders.